

Facebook Discussion

A great Facebook discussion on the healthcare debate

Comment about health-care reform…
July 27 at 10:35pm · · · Share
Kevin Erskine
Interesting Math. "Yet forty-six million of us—a number roughly equal to the population of half the states of the Union have no health insurance at all"

Since there are roughly 300 million Americans, I don't get the use of the analogy. Is he trying to say that the population of the 25 least populated states have roughly 46 million citizens? seems like a twisted way to make a comparison.

Also, it doesn't matter if health care should be considered a "human right" - it is NOT a right as defined by the constitution - and therefore not constitutionally the job of the Gov't to provide.

That's just the way it is.

My point is these things have to be discussed rationally and without the rhetoric that both sides bring to the table.
July 27 at 10:49pm · Delete
Jeffrey Harris
I am the first to admit that it's a little difficult for me to talk about the issue of health care right now, without considering my own circumstances. Ultimately, I agree with your last statement. But I will say that missing in all of these discussions are the people who are most directly affected by the lack of affordable health care. Rarely are their voices heard, and that is a real shame.
July 27 at 11:27pm
Kevin Erskine
The following statement is in NO way meant to dismiss those who cannot afford or simply do not have equal access: but that 46 million number includes a number of people (usually young indestructible 20+ year olds who HAVE company provided health insurance - but choose NOT to take advantage of it - because it puts a few bucks in their pockets for drinking money. And THAT is a fact :)

"According to research by the public policy arm of Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, approximately 14 million uninsured adults and children are currently eligible for government coverage, such as Medicaid or the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), but have not bothered to enroll. Consider this: Virtually all children from low-income families are eligible for Medicaid or SCHIP. Yet the parents of more than five million eligible children have failed to enroll them. In addition, close to nine million nonelderly adults qualify for Medicaid but are not enrolled."
July 27 at 11:32pm · Delete
Kevin Erskine
Old Data - but likely still applicable:

"according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics 2001 Consumer Expenditure Survey, households headed by young people between ages 25 and 34 spend more than three times as much of their income on entertainment and dining out as on out-of-pocket health care expenses. For even younger heads of household (18-to-24-
year-olds), the annual expenditure on entertainment and dining out is almost five times more than out-of-pocket spending on health care. By contrast, households headed by individuals ages 65 to 74 spend almost 50 percent more on out-of-pocket health care than on entertainment and food away from home."
July 27 at 11:33pm · Delete
Jeffrey Harris
You are definitely right on the part of children (I thought you were off to bed. LOL). As I've said, this is an issue that is closer than most to me, so my reactions are more emotional than I prefer.

Which reminds me, you wouldn't happen to be commenting on my blog lately, have you?
July 27 at 11:35pm
Jeffrey Harris
Oh, and I think that the author was using the figures of the number of states where the combined populations total that figure. Apparently, it equates to half of the states.
July 27 at 11:36pm
Kevin Erskine
No I haven't. I am sorry to admit I haven't been doing much web reading as of late.
But If I did, I'd use my name..Why is there some anonymous ranter there? :)
July 27 at 11:37pm · Delete
Kevin Erskine
Writers should leave comparative math to statisticians. They always make asinine comparisons. I want to see USEFUL comparisons like "That's equivalent to the number of Baptist Ministers and Conservative Politicians who visit the average Nevada Whorehouse on anygiven weekend."

OK back to my reading my book...
July 27 at 11:40pm · Delete
Jeffrey Harris
There is, but I didn't want to accuse in a negative sense. It's a situation where I would love to know who it is, because I feel like I am being talked at, as opposed to talked with. And there was something said that made me wonder if he/she was one of my peeps or a friend of one of my peeps on fb. It's not often that I am called superficial and a chicken shit (and neither would ever be said to my face. lol).
July 27 at 11:40pm
Kevin Erskine
AH the anonymity of the web...It allows people to swing testicles that far out-strip their actual size. You'd like the book I am reading (my current status).

I am many things...but never an Anonymous Coward. :)
July 27 at 11:47pm · Delete
Chris St John
Just started following this discussion - Kevin is a level headed thinker - you go Kevin! And Jeffrey... who in their right mind would ever think you were superficial or chicken shit?
July 28 at 8:18am