

The 2 Party System

Thoughts while standing in line to vote:
Since Obama's redistribution of wealth scheme troubles and affects me, I got a problem with that.
Since McCain wants to stay in other countries, I got a problem with that.
Biden is still a moron; and Palin is a frightening moron.
Since I don't want to live in a Theocracy, I got a problem with Palin.
Since I don't want to live in a Marxist Oligarchy, I got a problem with Obama.

See my dilemma? It's really hard to be a true moderate in a 2 party system.

Though apparently, according to the media, I'm just wasting my time standing in line as it is a fait accompli.

Last 2 elections I voted Libertarian. Will do so again so I can maintain my "better-than-thou" attitude ;)