

Simple Rationality

"If god is all knowing, he knows what he would have to do to make me believe he exists, and he would know that what he has shown so far isn't good enough for me.

If god is
all powerful, he would be able to do it.

And if god is
all good, he would want me to believe in him, especially if he condemns me to eternal torture for the petty crime of not believing without adequate evidence.

If god wants me to believe, he will have to give me a reason to.

Since he hasn't, I conclude he doesn't exist.

And if he punishes me because he wouldn't show himself to me, then he is guilty for my punishment."
-Stephen F. Roberts


Being hot does not make you wrong

Amanda Luckily, she is already used to being a loser.

**SCROLL FOR VIDEO**NEW YORK - The reigning Miss California has gone to Washington to help launch a campaign opposing same-sex marriage. Carrie Prejean told NBC's "Today" show Thursday that ...
April 30 at 2:51pm · · · Share · Report
JoAnna McFadden
I wonder if the concept of "equal protection" is also near and dear to her heart.
April 30 at 3:03pm
Carol Langley
New Hampshire passes same-sex marriage bill.
April 30 at 3:21pm
Andrea Matwyshyn
movie from Tribeca potentially of interest:
April 30 at 3:24pm
April Bagley
HAHAHA. I love your comment. Ridiculous.
April 30 at 5:05pm
Sean O'leary
She is pretty hot
April 30 at 7:23pm
Dinah Hale
Harsh words...
April 30 at 7:50pm
Jennifer Fine
Is there such thing as a reverse hate crime? Maybe I should talk one of my gay friends into finding out.
April 30 at 9:27pm
Amanda Read Coalier
Some people are beautiful on the outside, yet devoid inside. She is 21, what does she know about marriage anyway?!?! What an embarrassment to be from the same city.
April 30 at 10:18pm
Kevin Erskine
a HOT loser
May 1 at 11:48am · Delete
Kevin Erskine
Don't be so "ageist" Amanda. She at least came across as well-spoken. and Hot. and she is entitled to her opinion, isn't she?
Perez Hilton is 31 and one could say "what does HE know about marriage" ;)
I personally am for gay marriage as I think ALL people should have equal access to the drudgery and ennui that is that institution.
May 1 at 11:56am · Delete
Amanda Read Coalier
Perez Hilton would know more about marriage if he was allowed to get married! And of course this girl is "hot". Duh, she is Miss California after all. But using her fame and beauty to *crusade* against a cause like that, it's distasteful. She is supposed to represent CA. And she is an embarrassment to those MANY of us who strongly disagree with her.
May 1 at 12:05pm
Kevin Erskine
you find it distasteful because you disagree. What about all the "stars" who use their fame and beauty to crusade for what YOU agree with. Is that distasteful as well? ;)
May 1 at 12:17pm · Delete
Amanda Read Coalier
Yes, I guess it's distasteful because I disagree. But adding insult to injury, she is supposed to represent our state. And she didn't even attempt to. So she sucks! ha ha
May 1 at 12:29pm
Jennifer Fine
Well, sad but true fact Amanda is that she does represent part of your state otherwise Prop 8 wouldn't have passed. I hate it as much as you do, but it's true.
May 1 at 1:55pm
Dinah Hale
She wasn't crusading...she was asked a stupid question at a bikini festival and gave an honest answer. Perez knew she had graduated from a Christian university. It was a sneaky set-up.
May 2 at 11:12pm
Peri Kost
What bugs me is that now she is playing the "victim role". If she really believes in her answer she should suck it up and not complain about being a loser. It's always easy to have an opinion on an issue that doesn't affect you. I wonder how she would feel if we started passing laws against people who have had breast augmentation surgery?
May 3 at 12:46pm
Kevin Erskine
Wow you people are brutal in your ad hominem attacks. Can't you disagree with her without attacking her? No wonder we cannot have a civilized debate on any topic in this country.
May 3 at 1:17pm · Delete